
söndag 19 juni 2011

Tuck everlasting

Igår såg jag på Tuck everlastning. Jag hyrde den för att jag tyckte att den verkade bra men jag kom inte ens ihåg att jag redan hade sett den och att den dessutom hade påverkat mig mycket. Det var från den filmen jag har fått mitt motto: 
"Dont be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life"
Jag gillar den filmen, den är fin och tänkvärd. Speciellt tycker jag att det Mr. Tuck säger till Winnie när de åker ut med båten på sjön är så fint. Hela den scenen är så välskriven. Jag skriver ett litet utdrag från den här men ni borde se filmen själva :)

Agnus: Look around you, it's life. The flowers, the trees and frogs, it's all part of the wheel. It's always changing, it's always growing. Like you, Winnie, your life is never the same. You were once a child, now you are about to become a woman. One day you'll grow up, you'll do something important. You'll have children maybe, and one day you'll go out. Just like the flame of a candle. You'll make way for new life as a certainty. It's the natural way of things.

And then, there's us. What we Tucks have, you can't call it living. We just are. We're like rocks stuck at the side of the stream. Listen to me, Winnie, you know a dangerous secret. If people find out about the spring, they'll trample over eachother to get that water. There's one thing I've learned about people: Many people will do anything. Anything not to die. And they'll do anything to keep from living their life. Do you want to stay stuck as you are right now, forever? I just want to make you understand. 

Winnie: I don't want to die. Is that wrong? 

Agnus: No human does, but it's part of the wheel, the same as being born. You can't have living without dying. Don't be afraid of death, Winnie. Be afraid of the unlived life.

Ganska fint eller hur? =)
Kramar Emma

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